jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

Costa Rica Flora and Fauna

Hello!! how are you doing? Welcome to this useful Blogg .This page is what you need to be updated with the information that is being studied in classes from the last two units .Enjoy it !!!

 The Flora and Fauna in Costa Rica. 
I know you like nature, don´t you?
Costa Rica is a country with exhuberant natural wonders. It has many types of  animals and plants, for instance; Sloths, snakes, crocodiles, jaguars, monkeys, red frogs, quetzals. Let' s see these information  in the following pictures.

This is a yellow snake. Some of the  reptiles  are very dangerous.

This is a  beautiful picture of  the diversity of  flora and fauna that we have in Costa Rica

These are amazing quetzals flying through the jungle.


These are two monkeys called "monkeys white face"

As you see, there are many types of animals and plants in Costa Rica. In order to know more about
 this topic, we   uploaded  two  videos  to see the importance to take care of  the world  and show you  the beautiful country you live in. 

This video is very interesting because it shows the diversity of flora that Costa Rica has. It has shown many types of plants and some of beautiful birds.
On the other hand, the video of Michael Jackson shows how important is to take care of our environment.
Finally,  we want to tell you  that is our duty to take care of  this beautiful country.

Now it´s time to check  if you understood the topic that is being studied  about flora and fauna,try to answer the following questions.

1. Do you throw the garbage to  the rivers?
2. Do you recycle ?
3. Do you cut down  the trees? Have your ever plant a tree?
4. Do you  protect the natural resources?
5. What are the ways that you can reduce  plastic, glass and paper at home ? Show examples.
6. Can you describe  how to re- utilize those materials ?

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